


Breeder in Lidcombe , NSW

0 puppies | 0 litters

  • Minhwan K
  • NSW


  • Breed
  • Price
    $5,500 - $6,000
  • Deposit info
  • Go Home Date
    10 weeks
  • Health Guarantee
    6 months

Breeder Description

Korean Jindo 🐕 Dog - Puppy Two male. When Adult 20-25Kg. The Jindo dog (Korean: 진돗개) is an indigenous dog native to the island of Jindo in South Korea. It is also known as Jindo-gyeon (진도견). Double coat of medium length. The outer coat is harsh, straight, and stands somewhat away from the body. The undercoat is soft. Typically up to 15 years. It is one of South Korea's Natural Treasures. It has a reputation for being loyal and good at tracking things. Due to its protected status within South Korea, only dogs born on Jindo Island can be officially... Read more

Describe how a family can get their puppy.

If you're interested in a puppy from Lewis, please apply. You'll be asked to provide information about yourself and what you are looking for so the breeder can help you find the right match. Once you apply, Minhwan will get back to you about availability, pricing and next steps.